Saturday 10 May 2008

Google Gear on Windows Mobile

For those Googlers out there, Google has just announced that Google Gears for Mobile. It runs on Windows Mobile, like what they promised to bring it to offline phone application. The first party to use this tempting program would be Zoho, a web based office suite and Buxfer, a personal finance site. Though there are some limitation on getting some web applications to use Google gears (Even Google product can’t support Google Gear yet), it’s good to know that it’s already in mobile version. When coming to think of an overall picture, it’s good to know that, Google is trying to go for Windows mobile first, since a wide range of phone OS were and many other online applications were not supported too.

Rumors also said that, The Google Gears for Windows Mobile is just a developer platform in order to have Gears-supporting apps ready to run on Android. Well, let’s see how it goes. Overall, it’s a good news for most of us.

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